Hotel Policies


We are a non-smoking property.

A fee of $250 USD will be assessed for smoking in any of our rooms. Please ask the front desk for locations of designated outdoor smoking areas.


Cancellations are required by 4pm on day of arrival. Pre-paid rates may not be canceled. Please refer to your reservation confirmation to verify your cancellation policy.

This hotel may only cancel reservations that were made by phone, at the property, or on the properties website. Cancellation numbers are required when disputing canceled reservations.

Due to online commission policies, reservations made through online travel agencies and booking companies must be canceled through the agency the reservation was made. We are unable to cancel these reservations at the hotel.


Pets are allowed only in pet friendly rooms. Dogs or cats only, up to two animals per pet-friendly room. A $15 per day pet-fee will be charged at check-in. A credit card is required to secure payment of any damage caused by your animals during your stay. All animals must be kenneled when guest is not present in the room. Hotel employees are not allowed in the room unless your pet is kenneled, or removed from the room.

Should other hotel guests complain about noise from your pet, other arrangements must be made to house the animals.

4Service Animals
Service animals are allowed with proper documentation.